Appeal court reverses oborevworis sack as delta pdp gov candidate

It seems like you're referring to a recent development in Nigerian politics!

According to reports, the Court of Appeal has reversed the earlier judgment that sacked Sheriff Oborevwori as the Delta State PDP governorship candidate. This means that Oborevwori has been reinstated as the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for the upcoming governorship election in Delta State.

The Court of Appeal's decision is a significant development in the ongoing political drama in Delta State, where Oborevwori's candidacy was earlier challenged by another aspirant, David Edevbie. The appeal court's reversal of the earlier judgment is likely to have a significant impact on the political landscape in the state, particularly in the run-up to the governorship election.

It's worth noting that the political landscape in Nigeria is often marked by intense competition and controversy, and this development is likely to be closely watched by political observers and stakeholders in the country.