Apostolic church planting birthing new churches from new believers

Apostolic Church Planting: Birthing New Churches from New Believers

Apostolic church planting is a process of planting new churches from new believers, often referred to as "birthing new churches." This approach is rooted in the biblical model of church planting, where new believers are empowered to become leaders and plant new churches. Here are some key principles and strategies for apostolic church planting:

  1. Identify and equip new believers: Identify new believers who have a passion for evangelism and church planting. Equip them with biblical training, leadership skills, and spiritual gifts to become effective church planters.
  2. Empower new believers to lead: Empower new believers to take ownership of the church planting process. Provide them with guidance, support, and resources to help them lead the new church.
  3. Focus on evangelism and discipleship: Focus on evangelism and discipleship as the primary strategies for church planting. Train new believers to share their faith and disciple others.
  4. Plant churches in new locations: Plant churches in new locations, often in areas with limited or no Christian presence. This helps to reach new people groups and expand the kingdom of God.
  5. Use a team-based approach: Use a team-based approach to church planting, where multiple leaders work together to plant a new church. This helps to share the workload, provide accountability, and build a strong foundation for the new church.
  6. Emphasize community and relationships: Emphasize community and relationships as essential components of church planting. Foster a sense of belonging and connection among new believers and the wider community.
  7. Provide ongoing support and coaching: Provide ongoing support and coaching to new church planters, helping them to navigate challenges and overcome obstacles.
  8. Celebrate and replicate: Celebrate the successes of new church plants and replicate the process in other locations, multiplying the impact of apostolic church planting.

Strategies for Apostolic Church Planting:

  1. Church-based church planting: Plant new churches from existing churches, using existing resources and infrastructure.
  2. Mission-based church planting: Plant new churches through mission trips and outreach initiatives, often in areas with limited Christian presence.
  3. Network-based church planting: Plant new churches through networks of churches and leaders, sharing resources and expertise to achieve a common goal.
  4. Online church planting: Plant new churches online, using digital platforms and social media to reach new people groups and expand the kingdom of God.
  5. Intentional discipleship: Focus on intentional discipleship, equipping new believers to become leaders and plant new churches.

Benefits of Apostolic Church Planting:

  1. Multiplication of churches: Apostolic church planting leads to the multiplication of churches, expanding the kingdom of God and reaching new people groups.
  2. Empowerment of new believers: Empowers new believers to take ownership of the church planting process, building their leadership skills and spiritual gifts.
  3. Increased evangelism and discipleship: Focuses on evangelism and discipleship, leading to a greater impact on the community and the world.
  4. Stronger church networks: Builds stronger church networks, fostering collaboration and cooperation among churches and leaders.
  5. Greater kingdom impact: Has a greater impact on the kingdom of God, expanding its reach and influence.

Challenges of Apostolic Church Planting:

  1. Leadership development: Developing leaders who are equipped to plant new churches can be a significant challenge.
  2. Financial support: Securing financial support for new church plants can be a challenge, especially in the early stages.
  3. Cultural and contextual challenges: Planting churches in new locations and cultures can be challenging, requiring a deep understanding of the local context.
  4. Burnout and exhaustion: Church planting can be a demanding and exhausting process, requiring careful planning and self-care.
  5. Measuring success: Measuring the success of apostolic church planting can be challenging, requiring a focus on spiritual growth and kingdom impact rather than just numerical growth.


Apostolic church planting is a powerful way to expand the kingdom of God and reach new people groups. By identifying and equipping new believers, empowering them to lead, and focusing on evangelism and discipleship, we can plant new churches that are healthy, vibrant, and multiplying. While there are challenges to apostolic church planting, the benefits of multiplication, empowerment, increased evangelism and discipleship, stronger church networks, and greater kingdom impact make it a worthwhile and rewarding endeavor.