Apostle johnson suleman new year prophecy

Apostle Johnson Suleman is a Nigerian pastor and the founder of Omega Fire Ministries International. He is known for his prophetic messages and has made several prophecies over the years. Here are some of his New Year prophecies:

2022 Prophecies

  1. Economic Boom: Apostle Suleman prophesied that 2022 would be a year of economic boom, with many countries experiencing a significant increase in their GDP.
  2. Global Peace: He predicted that 2022 would be a year of relative peace globally, with a decrease in conflicts and wars.
  3. New Leadership: Apostle Suleman prophesied that there would be a change in leadership in some countries, with new leaders emerging to take charge.
  4. Health Breakthroughs: He predicted that there would be significant breakthroughs in the field of medicine, leading to the discovery of new treatments and cures for various diseases.
  5. Increased Faith: Apostle Suleman prophesied that 2022 would be a year of increased faith, with many people experiencing a deeper connection with God.

2021 Prophecies

  1. Pandemic End: Apostle Suleman prophesied that the COVID-19 pandemic would come to an end in 2021, with the world returning to a sense of normalcy.
  2. Economic Recovery: He predicted that the global economy would recover from the pandemic, with many countries experiencing a significant increase in their GDP.
  3. New Technologies: Apostle Suleman prophesied that 2021 would be a year of significant technological advancements, with the emergence of new technologies that would change the world.
  4. Increased Unity: He predicted that 2021 would be a year of increased unity among nations, with a decrease in conflicts and wars.
  5. Spiritual Awakening: Apostle Suleman prophesied that 2021 would be a year of spiritual awakening, with many people experiencing a deeper connection with God.

Previous Prophecies

Apostle Suleman has made several prophecies in the past, including:

It's worth noting that while Apostle Suleman's prophecies have been accurate in the past, they are not always specific and can be open to interpretation. Additionally, prophecy is not always 100% accurate, and it's important to take all prophecies with a grain of salt.