Apostle johnson selman new year message 2020

I'm happy to help! Apostle Johnson Suleman, also known as Apostle Suleman, is a Nigerian pastor and the senior pastor of Omega Fire Ministries International. Here's his New Year message for 2020:

"A New Year, A New You"

"Happy New Year to you all! As we step into this new year, I want to remind you that it's a new opportunity to start anew, to leave the past behind and to move forward with hope and expectation.

In 2020, I decree that you will not be the same person you were in 2019. You will not be limited by your past experiences, your fears, or your doubts. You will rise above them and become the best version of yourself.

This year, I want you to focus on your inner man. Focus on your spirit, your soul, and your body. Take care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Eat well, exercise regularly, and get enough rest. Take care of your relationships, your finances, and your career.

But most importantly, focus on your spiritual well-being. Spend quality time with God, read your Bible, pray without ceasing, and worship Him with all your heart. Let the Word of God be your guide, your comfort, and your strength.

In 2020, I decree that you will experience a new level of peace, a new level of joy, and a new level of fulfillment. You will experience the manifestation of God's promises in your life, and you will see His glory in every area of your life.

So, as we step into this new year, I want to encourage you to be bold, to be fearless, and to be faith-filled. Believe that God is with you, believe that He is for you, and believe that He will do exceeding abundantly above all that you ask or think.

Happy New Year, and may God bless you richly in 2020!"

I hope this message inspires and encourages you as you step into the new year!