Apollo hospital new delhi nearest metro station

Apollo Hospital, New Delhi is located at:

Apollo Hospital, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi - 110076

The nearest metro station to Apollo Hospital, New Delhi is:

Sarita Vihar Metro Station (Yellow Line)

The distance between Apollo Hospital and Sarita Vihar Metro Station is approximately 0.5 km. You can walk to the hospital from the metro station.

Here are the directions to reach Apollo Hospital from Sarita Vihar Metro Station:

  1. From the metro station, exit towards the main road.
  2. Walk straight on the road for about 200 meters.
  3. Turn left onto the road that leads to the hospital.
  4. The hospital will be on your right-hand side.

Alternatively, you can take an auto-rickshaw or a taxi from the metro station to reach the hospital. The journey takes around 5-7 minutes depending on traffic conditions.

Note: The metro station is well-connected to other parts of the city, and you can reach the hospital from various parts of Delhi using the metro network.