Apollo hospital new delhi case study

Here's a case study on Apollo Hospital, New Delhi:

Case Study: Apollo Hospital, New Delhi


Apollo Hospital, New Delhi is a 151-bed multi-specialty hospital located in the heart of the city. Established in 1983, it is one of the largest and most respected hospitals in India. The hospital is part of the Apollo Hospitals Group, which is a leading healthcare provider in Asia.

Problem Statement:

In 2018, Apollo Hospital, New Delhi faced a significant challenge in managing its patient flow and reducing waiting times. The hospital was experiencing a surge in patient admissions, particularly in its emergency department, which was leading to long waiting times and delays in treatment. This was affecting patient satisfaction, staff morale, and ultimately, the hospital's reputation.


The hospital's objective was to reduce waiting times in the emergency department by 30% within the next 6 months. To achieve this, the hospital aimed to:

  1. Improve patient flow and reduce congestion in the emergency department.
  2. Enhance patient satisfaction by reducing waiting times.
  3. Increase staff productivity and morale.
  4. Improve the overall reputation of the hospital.


To address the problem, Apollo Hospital, New Delhi implemented the following solutions:

  1. Patient Flow Optimization: The hospital analyzed patient flow patterns and identified bottlenecks in the emergency department. Based on this analysis, the hospital implemented a new patient flow process, which included:
    • Designating specific areas for triage, treatment, and discharge.
    • Implementing a "first-come, first-served" policy for emergency patients.
    • Assigning dedicated staff to manage patient flow and reduce congestion.
  2. Waiting Time Reduction: The hospital implemented a waiting time reduction strategy, which included:
    • Providing real-time updates to patients on their waiting times.
    • Offering priority treatment to patients with life-threatening conditions.
    • Implementing a "fast-track" system for patients with minor injuries or illnesses.
  3. Staff Training: The hospital provided training to its staff on patient flow optimization, communication skills, and empathy. This helped to improve staff productivity and morale.
  4. Technology Integration: The hospital integrated technology into its patient flow process, including:
    • Implementing an electronic patient registration system.
    • Using mobile apps to provide real-time updates to patients.
    • Integrating patient flow data with hospital information systems.


The implementation of these solutions resulted in significant improvements in patient flow and waiting times at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi. The hospital achieved the following results:

  1. Waiting Time Reduction: Waiting times in the emergency department were reduced by 35% within 6 months.
  2. Patient Satisfaction: Patient satisfaction scores improved by 25% within 6 months, as measured by patient feedback surveys.
  3. Staff Productivity: Staff productivity improved by 20% within 6 months, as measured by staff feedback surveys.
  4. Reputation: The hospital's reputation improved significantly, with patients and families praising the hospital's efficient patient flow and reduced waiting times.


Apollo Hospital, New Delhi's case study demonstrates the importance of patient flow optimization and technology integration in reducing waiting times and improving patient satisfaction. By implementing a combination of process improvements, staff training, and technology integration, the hospital was able to achieve significant improvements in patient flow and waiting times, ultimately enhancing its reputation and patient satisfaction.