Apc wants courts stripped of powers to award election victory

It seems like you're referring to a recent development in the political sphere. APC, which likely stands for the All Progressives Congress, a political party in Nigeria, is seeking to have the powers of the courts stripped to award election victories.

From what I gather, the APC is pushing for an amendment to the Electoral Act to prevent the courts from declaring winners in elections. This move is reportedly aimed at reducing the influence of the judiciary in the electoral process and giving more power to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to declare winners.

The APC's proposal has sparked controversy, with many arguing that it would undermine the independence of the judiciary and potentially lead to electoral manipulation. Others have expressed concerns that it would give INEC too much power and create an uneven playing field.

It's essential to note that the APC's proposal is still a subject of debate, and its implications are yet to be fully understood. As the situation unfolds, it will be crucial to monitor the developments and assess the potential consequences of such a move on Nigeria's electoral process.

Would you like me to provide more information on this topic or clarify any specific aspects of the APC's proposal?