Apc nwc chairman makes u turn confirms sanwo olu as lagos flagbearer

I think there may be some confusion here.

APC stands for All Progressives Congress, which is a political party in Nigeria. NWC stands for National Working Committee, which is the governing body of the APC.

As for the statement, I'm assuming you're referring to a recent development in Nigerian politics. However, I couldn't find any credible sources confirming that the APC NWC Chairman has made a U-turn and confirmed Sanwo-Olu as the Lagos flagbearer.

Sanwo-Olu is the current Governor of Lagos State, and he is a member of the APC. However, the APC has not officially announced him as its flagbearer for the upcoming elections.

It's possible that you may have come across a misleading or outdated report. I would recommend verifying the information through reputable news sources or official statements from the APC or Sanwo-Olu's camp to confirm the accuracy of the statement.