Apc news

APC News!

APC stands for All Progressives Congress, a political party in Nigeria. Here are some recent news updates about the party:

Latest News

  1. APC National Convention: The APC has announced that its national convention will hold on March 26, 2023, in Abuja. The convention is expected to elect new party leaders, including the National Chairman, National Secretary, and other officials.
  2. Presidential Primaries: The APC has scheduled its presidential primaries for May 2023. The party has not yet announced the date for the commencement of the primaries, but it is expected to be a keenly contested election.
  3. Governorship Elections: The APC has won several governorship elections in recent times, including in Ekiti, Osun, and Ondo states. The party is expected to continue its winning streak in future elections.
  4. Party Crisis: The APC has been embroiled in a crisis in recent times, with some party members calling for the resignation of the National Chairman, Abdullahi Adamu. The crisis is expected to be resolved through dialogue and compromise.

Recent Developments

  1. APC Reconciliation Committee: The APC has set up a reconciliation committee to resolve the crisis within the party. The committee is headed by a former Governor of Ekiti State, Kayode Fayemi.
  2. APC National Working Committee: The APC National Working Committee (NWC) has been reconstituted, with new members appointed to key positions. The NWC is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the party.
  3. APC Membership Registration: The APC has launched a membership registration exercise, which is expected to increase the party's membership base. The exercise is ongoing across the country.

Opinion and Analysis

  1. APC's Chances in 2023: Many political analysts believe that the APC has a good chance of winning the 2023 presidential election, given its strong performance in recent elections.
  2. APC's Challenges: However, the party also faces several challenges, including internal crisis, corruption allegations, and a perceived lack of transparency.
  3. APC's Future: The APC's future is uncertain, with some party members calling for a change in leadership and others advocating for continuity.

Stay tuned for more APC news and updates!