Apc governors vow not to hold convention in buharis absence

A significant development in Nigerian politics!

According to reports, the All Progressives Congress (APC) governors have vowed not to hold the party's national convention in the absence of President Muhammadu Buhari. This decision was made during a meeting of the Progressive Governors' Forum (PGF) held in Abuja on Wednesday.

The governors, who are the leaders of the party at the state level, are reportedly insisting that the convention cannot take place without the President's presence. This is seen as a show of solidarity and respect for the President, who is the leader of the party.

The APC national convention is scheduled to hold in June, and the governors' decision is likely to put pressure on the party's leadership to ensure that the President is present at the event. The convention is expected to elect new party officials, including the national chairman, national secretary, and other national officers.

The governors' stance is seen as a significant development in the ongoing power struggle within the APC, as some party leaders have been pushing for the convention to take place without the President's presence. The decision is also seen as a test of the party's unity and cohesion ahead of the 2023 general elections.

It remains to be seen how the party's leadership will respond to the governors' demand, but for now, it appears that the convention will not take place without the President's presence.