Apc files cross appeal at scourt seeks deletion of evidence of atikus witnesses

It appears that you're referring to a recent development in the ongoing legal saga surrounding the APC (All Progressives Congress) and Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2019 Nigerian general elections.

To provide some context, the APC had filed a petition at the Supreme Court, challenging the outcome of the presidential election, which was won by Atiku Abubakar. The APC is seeking to have the election results nullified and Atiku Abubakar declared the winner.

In a recent development, the APC has filed a cross-appeal at the Supreme Court, seeking the deletion of evidence presented by Atiku Abubakar's witnesses during the election tribunal proceedings. The APC is arguing that the evidence presented by Atiku's witnesses is irrelevant and should be disregarded by the Supreme Court.

The APC's cross-appeal is likely a strategic move to weaken Atiku's case and increase the chances of the APC's petition being upheld. By seeking the deletion of evidence, the APC is attempting to limit the scope of the evidence that the Supreme Court can consider when making its decision.

It's worth noting that the Supreme Court has the discretion to accept or reject the APC's cross-appeal, and its decision will likely have significant implications for the outcome of the case.