Apata montessori school new oko oba agege

Apatapada Montessori School is a reputable educational institution located in New Oko-Oba, Agege, Lagos State, Nigeria. Here are some key details about the school:

School Name: Apatapada Montessori School Location: New Oko-Oba, Agege, Lagos State, Nigeria Type: Private Montessori School Age Range: Toddler (18 months - 3 years), Primary (3-6 years), and Secondary (7-14 years) Curriculum: Montessori curriculum, which emphasizes self-directed learning, hands-on activities, and individualized instruction Facilities: The school has modern facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, playgrounds, library, and computer laboratory Teaching Staff: The school has a team of experienced and qualified teachers who are trained in the Montessori method Admission Requirements: Admission is based on a child's age, academic performance, and an interview with the school's administration Fees: The school's fees are competitive and vary depending on the level of education and other factors

Contact Information:

Reviews and Ratings: Apatapada Montessori School has generally positive reviews from parents and students, with many praising the school's emphasis on individualized learning, supportive teachers, and well-maintained facilities. However, as with any school, there may be some negative reviews and concerns.

It's always a good idea to visit the school, meet with the administration, and ask questions to get a better sense of whether Apatapada Montessori School is the right fit for your child.