Apala new skool

You're referring to the "New School" movement in hip-hop!

The New School was a subgenre of hip-hop that emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s, characterized by its experimental and avant-garde approach to music. It was a reaction against the commercialized and formulaic sound of mainstream hip-hop at the time.

The New School movement was marked by its use of unconventional sounds, samples, and production techniques. Artists like DJ Shadow, The RZA, and The Bomb Squad (Public Enemy's production team) were among the pioneers of this movement.

Some key characteristics of the New School sound include:

  1. Experimentation with samples: New School producers would often use unconventional samples, such as jazz, soul, and rock records, to create a unique sound.
  2. Complex drum patterns: New School drum patterns were often more intricate and complex than those found in traditional hip-hop.
  3. Heavy use of effects: New School producers would often use effects like reverb, delay, and distortion to create a sense of depth and atmosphere in their tracks.
  4. Emphasis on atmosphere: New School tracks often had a more atmospheric and cinematic feel, with a focus on creating a mood or vibe rather than simply delivering a catchy hook.

Some notable New School artists include:

The New School movement had a significant influence on the development of hip-hop, paving the way for future subgenres like trip-hop, IDM, and underground hip-hop.