Apache new version

Apache is a popular open-source web server software that is widely used to host websites and web applications. The latest version of Apache is Apache HTTP Server 2.4.51, which was released on March 2, 2022.

Here are some of the key features and improvements in the latest version of Apache:

  1. Improved performance: Apache 2.4.51 includes several performance improvements, including better handling of large numbers of concurrent connections and improved caching.
  2. Enhanced security: The latest version of Apache includes several security fixes, including patches for vulnerabilities in the mod_ssl and mod_dav modules.
  3. New features: Apache 2.4.51 includes several new features, including support for the HTTP/2 protocol, improved support for WebSockets, and enhanced support for virtual hosting.
  4. Improved mod_proxy: The mod_proxy module has been improved to better support reverse proxying and load balancing.
  5. Better support for SSL/TLS: Apache 2.4.51 includes improved support for SSL/TLS, including better handling of certificate verification and improved performance.
  6. Improved mod_status: The mod_status module has been improved to provide more detailed information about the status of the Apache server.
  7. Better support for Windows: Apache 2.4.51 includes improved support for Windows, including better handling of file permissions and improved performance.

Some of the notable changes in Apache 2.4.51 include:

Overall, Apache 2.4.51 is a significant update that includes several performance improvements, security fixes, and new features. If you are running an earlier version of Apache, it is recommended that you upgrade to the latest version to take advantage of these improvements.