Apa cite online news article

Here is the general format for citing an online news article in APA style:

Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Year, Month Day of Publication). Title of article: Subtitle of article. Retrieved from https://www.url.com

Here's a breakdown of the components:


Smith, J. (2022, March 15). COVID-19 cases surge in local hospitals. Retrieved from https://www.news.com/article/covid-19-cases-surge-in-local-hospitals


Here's an example of a citation without an author:

COVID-19 cases surge in local hospitals. (2022, March 15). Retrieved from https://www.news.com/article/covid-19-cases-surge-in-local-hospitals

Remember to always check the APA Publication Manual or the APA website for the most up-to-date guidelines on citing online news articles.