Aol news and weather

A blast from the past! AOL News and Weather was a popular online news and weather service provided by America Online (AOL) in the 1990s and early 2000s. Here's a brief overview:

AOL News

AOL News was a news aggregator that provided users with a curated selection of news articles from various sources, including major news organizations like CNN, AP, and Reuters. The service was available to AOL subscribers and offered a range of news categories, including:

AOL News also featured a "News in Brief" section, which provided quick summaries of current events, as well as a "News Archive" that allowed users to search for news articles from previous days.

AOL Weather

AOL Weather was a weather service that provided users with current weather conditions, forecasts, and weather alerts. The service was available in various formats, including:

AOL Weather also offered a "Weather Center" feature, which provided users with detailed weather information for specific locations, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and precipitation forecasts.

Availability and Discontinuation

AOL News and Weather were available to AOL subscribers through the AOL software client and the AOL website. However, with the decline of AOL's popularity and the rise of other online news and weather services, AOL News and Weather were eventually discontinued.

In 2010, AOL announced that it would be discontinuing its news and weather services, citing declining usage and the increasing availability of similar services from other providers. The AOL News and Weather websites were taken down, and users were redirected to other online news and weather sources.


Although AOL News and Weather are no longer available, they played an important role in the early days of online news and weather services. They helped to establish the concept of online news and weather aggregation and paved the way for the development of more advanced online news and weather services that we enjoy today.