Aol news and sports

A blast from the past! AOL News and Sports was a popular online news and sports service provided by America Online (AOL) in the 1990s and early 2000s. Here's a brief overview:

AOL News

AOL News was a comprehensive online news service that provided users with up-to-date news articles, headlines, and summaries from various sources, including AP, Reuters, and other major news agencies. The service was available 24/7 and offered a range of news categories, including:

AOL News also featured special sections, such as "Top Stories," "Breaking News," and "In-Depth Reports," which provided in-depth coverage of major news events.

AOL Sports

AOL Sports was a dedicated sports section that offered users a wide range of sports news, scores, and information. The service covered various sports, including:

AOL Sports featured:

Features and Services

AOL News and Sports also offered several features and services, including:


AOL News and Sports were popular services in their time, but they eventually declined in popularity as online news and sports consumption habits changed. In 2010, AOL merged with Time Warner, and the AOL News and Sports services were eventually phased out. Today, AOL is a subsidiary of Verizon Media, and its news and sports content is now integrated into other online platforms.