Anytime i install a new dependency material ui deletes

That's frustrating!

Material-UI (MUI) is a popular React UI library, and it's not uncommon to experience issues with dependencies when installing new packages. Here are a few potential reasons why MUI might be deleting your dependencies:

  1. Conflicting dependencies: When you install a new dependency, it might have conflicting dependencies with MUI. This can cause MUI to remove the conflicting dependencies to ensure a clean installation.
  2. MUI's peer dependencies: MUI has peer dependencies, which are dependencies that are required to be installed at a specific version. If the new dependency you're installing has a different version of a peer dependency, MUI might remove the old version to ensure compatibility.
  3. npm or yarn cache issues: Sometimes, npm or yarn cache issues can cause dependencies to be removed unexpectedly.

To troubleshoot this issue, you can try the following:

  1. Check your package.json file: Verify that the dependencies you're trying to install are correctly listed in your package.json file.
  2. Use the --save flag: When installing a new dependency, use the --save flag to ensure that the dependency is added to your package.json file. For example: npm install --save @material-ui/core
  3. Check for conflicting dependencies: Use npm ls or yarn ls to check for conflicting dependencies. You can also use npm ls <dependency-name> or yarn ls <dependency-name> to check the version of a specific dependency.
  4. Try installing MUI again: If you've installed MUI previously, try reinstalling it using npm install @material-ui/core or yarn add @material-ui/core.
  5. Clear npm or yarn cache: Sometimes, clearing the cache can resolve issues. Run npm cache clean --force or yarn cache clean to clear the cache.
  6. Check your package-lock.json file: If you're using npm, check your package-lock.json file to ensure that it's not overriding the dependencies in your package.json file.

If none of these solutions work, please provide more details about your project, including your package.json file and the exact commands you're using to install dependencies. I'll do my best to help you troubleshoot the issue!