Any plans for a new blackberry operating syste

The nostalgia! While BlackBerry's smartphone business has declined significantly since its peak in the early 2010s, the company has been working on new initiatives and technologies. Here are some updates on their plans for a new BlackBerry operating system:

  1. BlackBerry 10 (BB10): The last major update to the BlackBerry operating system was BB10, which was released in 2013. Although it received positive reviews, it failed to gain significant traction in the market.
  2. BlackBerry OS 10.3.3: In 2015, BlackBerry released a minor update to BB10, which added some new features and security enhancements. However, this was the last major update to the BB10 platform.
  3. Android-based devices: In 2016, BlackBerry announced that it would focus on developing Android-based devices, rather than its own proprietary operating system. This move allowed them to leverage the popularity of the Android ecosystem and tap into the vast app library.
  4. BlackBerry Secure: In 2017, BlackBerry launched BlackBerry Secure, a suite of security software and services designed to protect Android devices. This move marked a shift away from developing a new proprietary operating system.
  5. New operating system rumors: In 2020, there were rumors that BlackBerry was working on a new operating system, codenamed "Mercury." However, these rumors were later denied by the company.
  6. Current focus on software and services: Today, BlackBerry's primary focus is on developing software and services for enterprise customers, including security solutions, productivity tools, and IoT (Internet of Things) platforms. They have also partnered with other companies to develop custom Android-based devices for specific industries.

In summary, while there have been rumors about a new BlackBerry operating system, the company has not announced any concrete plans to develop a new proprietary OS. Instead, they are focusing on software and services for enterprise customers and leveraging the Android ecosystem for their device offerings.