Any npower news

Npower! As a UK-based energy company, Npower has been making headlines in recent years. Here are some recent updates:

Npower's Restructuring

In 2020, Npower's parent company, Innogy, announced plans to sell its UK retail business to E.ON, another major energy company. The deal was completed in April 2020, and Npower became a subsidiary of E.ON.

Price Increases

In 2022, Npower announced a price increase for its customers, citing rising wholesale energy costs. The price hike affected both domestic and business customers.

Customer Service Issues

Npower has faced criticism in the past for its customer service, with some customers reporting long wait times and difficulties in resolving issues. In response, the company has implemented changes to improve its customer service, including investing in new technology and training for its customer service team.

Renewable Energy Initiatives

Npower has been investing in renewable energy projects, including wind farms and solar panels. In 2020, the company announced plans to invest £1 billion in renewable energy projects over the next five years.

Smart Meter Rollout

Npower has been rolling out smart meters to its customers, which allow for real-time monitoring of energy usage and can help customers reduce their energy consumption.

Community Fund

Npower has a community fund that supports local community projects and charities. In 2022, the company announced a £1 million donation to the fund, which will support projects that benefit local communities.

These are just a few recent updates from Npower. If you're a customer, it's always a good idea to check the company's website or social media channels for the latest news and updates.