Any news on efcc concerning yahoo boys

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has been actively pursuing and prosecuting cases involving "Yahoo Boys" (also known as internet fraudsters) in Nigeria. Here are some recent updates:

  1. Massive Arrests: In October 2022, the EFCC arrested over 100 suspected internet fraudsters in Lagos, Ogun, and Oyo states. The suspects were allegedly involved in various forms of online fraud, including romance scams, investment fraud, and identity theft.
  2. Convictions: In September 2022, the EFCC secured the conviction of 12 suspected internet fraudsters in Lagos. The suspects were sentenced to various prison terms ranging from 3 to 7 years.
  3. Investigations: The EFCC has been investigating several high-profile cases involving internet fraud, including the alleged involvement of some politicians and celebrities. In August 2022, the commission arrested a popular Nigerian musician, who was accused of being involved in a $1 million fraud scheme.
  4. International Cooperation: The EFCC has been collaborating with international law enforcement agencies to track down and prosecute Nigerian internet fraudsters who operate globally. In July 2022, the commission arrested a Nigerian suspect in the United States, who was accused of defrauding several victims in the US and Nigeria.
  5. New Strategies: The EFCC has introduced new strategies to combat internet fraud, including the use of social media to gather intelligence and the deployment of specialized teams to investigate and prosecute online fraud cases.

Some notable cases involving "Yahoo Boys" that have been reported in the media recently include:

These cases demonstrate the EFCC's commitment to combating internet fraud and holding perpetrators accountable, regardless of their social status or connections.