Any news from asuu strike 2018

The ASUU strike of 2018! It was a significant event in the Nigerian academic calendar. Here's a brief recap:

Background: The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) is the umbrella body of university lecturers in Nigeria. In 2017, the union had been negotiating with the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) over several issues, including:

  1. Funding for universities
  2. Implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement
  3. Salary structure and welfare of lecturers
  4. Infrastructure development in universities

Strike: On November 15, 2018, ASUU declared a nationwide strike, which lasted for nine months, until October 14, 2019. The strike was called off after the union and the FGN reached a tentative agreement.

Key developments:

  1. FGN-ASUU agreement: On October 14, 2019, the FGN and ASUU signed a Memorandum of Action (MoA) to end the strike. The MoA addressed some of the issues that led to the strike, including the release of funds for revitalization of universities, payment of outstanding salaries, and the establishment of a visitation panel to review the state of universities.
  2. Funding: The FGN agreed to release N20 billion (approximately $55 million) for the revitalization of universities, which was a major demand of ASUU.
  3. Salary structure: The FGN agreed to implement the new salary structure for lecturers, which would increase their salaries.
  4. Infrastructure development: The FGN agreed to provide infrastructure development funds for universities.

Impact: The strike had significant consequences for Nigerian universities and students. Many students were unable to complete their academic programs on time, and some were forced to defer their studies. The strike also affected the morale of lecturers and the overall quality of education in Nigerian universities.

Current situation: While the strike has been called off, the implementation of the MoA is still ongoing. ASUU has been monitoring the government's compliance with the agreement, and some issues remain outstanding. The union has also been pushing for the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, which was not fully implemented during the strike.

I hope this recap helps!