Any news about screening in imo state for npower volunteers

I'm happy to help you with your query!

As of my knowledge cutoff, there haven't been any recent updates or announcements from NPower regarding screening for volunteers in Imo State. However, I can suggest a few options to help you stay informed:

  1. NPower Official Website: You can visit the NPower official website ( and check for any updates on their website, particularly the "Volunteer" section.
  2. NPower Social Media: Follow NPower on their social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) to stay updated on any announcements or news related to screening or volunteer opportunities in Imo State.
  3. NPower Imo State Office: You can also reach out to the NPower Imo State office directly to inquire about any upcoming screening dates or opportunities. You can find their contact information on the NPower website or through a quick online search.
  4. Local News Sources: Keep an eye on local news sources in Imo State, such as newspapers, online news platforms, or radio stations, for any announcements or updates related to NPower screening or volunteer opportunities.

Remember to always verify any information you find through reputable sources to ensure accuracy.

If you have any further questions or need help with anything else, feel free to ask!