Any news about mobile nigeria dragnet test

You're referring to the Mobile Number Portability (MNP) test in Nigeria!

As of my knowledge cutoff, here are some updates:

Background: The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) had announced plans to conduct a Mobile Number Portability (MNP) test in the country. MNP allows mobile phone users to retain their phone numbers when switching from one network to another.

Test Details: The test was initially scheduled to commence in October 2020, but it was later postponed to January 2021. The test aimed to assess the readiness of mobile network operators (MNOs) to implement MNP in Nigeria.

Recent Updates: In January 2022, the NCC announced that the MNP test had been successfully conducted, and the results showed that all participating MNOs had met the required standards. The test involved a simulation exercise, where subscribers' numbers were temporarily ported to other networks to test the system.

Implementation Timeline: Following the successful test, the NCC has announced plans to implement MNP in Nigeria. The commission has given MNOs a deadline of March 2022 to complete the necessary infrastructure upgrades and testing.

What's Next: Once the implementation is complete, mobile phone users in Nigeria will be able to port their numbers to other networks, promoting competition and improving services. The NCC has also announced plans to introduce other services, such as Mobile Number Portability (MNP) for data and SMS, to further enhance the mobile ecosystem in Nigeria.

Please note that these updates are subject to change, and I recommend verifying the information with the NCC or other reliable sources for the latest updates.