Any news about asu strike

You're referring to the Arizona State University (ASU) faculty strike!

Yes, there have been updates on the situation. Here's a brief summary:

Background: In April 2022, the Arizona State University Faculty Association (ASUFA) announced that it would be going on strike after negotiations with the university administration broke down. The strike began on April 27, 2022, and was the first faculty strike in ASU's history.

Key issues: The main issues driving the strike include:

  1. Wage increases: ASUFA is seeking a 15% wage increase over three years, while the university has offered a 10% increase over five years.
  2. Health insurance: The union wants to maintain the current health insurance plan, which is more comprehensive than the university's proposed alternative.
  3. Job security: ASUFA is seeking to protect tenure and promotion rights for faculty members.
  4. Class size: The union wants to limit class sizes to ensure that students receive a high-quality education.

Recent developments:

  1. Mediation: The Arizona State Board of Regents (ASBR) appointed a mediator to help resolve the dispute. However, the mediation process ended without an agreement.
  2. Strike extension: The ASUFA strike was initially set to end on May 6, 2022, but was extended until May 20, 2022, to give the parties more time to negotiate.
  3. University response: ASU has been offering alternative courses and resources to students affected by the strike. The university has also been working to minimize disruptions to student life and academic programs.
  4. Community support: The strike has received support from various community groups, including the Arizona Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers.

Current status: The ASUFA strike is ongoing, with no immediate end in sight. The parties are still negotiating, and it's unclear when a resolution might be reached.

I'll do my best to keep you updated on any significant developments in the ASU faculty strike.