Any new command 7

You're referring to the latest update of the popular command-line shell, Bash!

As of Bash 7.0, which was released in September 2022, there are several new features and improvements. Here are some of the notable ones:

  1. Improved completion: Bash 7.0 includes a new completion system that provides more accurate and efficient completion suggestions.
  2. New bind options: The bind command now supports more options, such as -q to query the current binding, and -u to unbind a key sequence.
  3. Enhanced read command: The read command now supports more options, such as -N to read a maximum number of characters, and -t to specify a timeout.
  4. New select command: The select command is a new way to interact with the shell, allowing you to create interactive menus and prompts.
  5. Improved history management: Bash 7.0 includes new options for managing the command history, such as -H to save the history to a file, and -L to limit the number of history entries.
  6. New zsh-like features: Bash 7.0 includes some features inspired by the Z shell (zsh), such as the ability to use !! to repeat the previous command, and !# to repeat the previous command with a different argument.
  7. Improved internationalization: Bash 7.0 includes better support for internationalization, including support for non-ASCII characters in the prompt and completion.
  8. New bash configuration options: Bash 7.0 includes new configuration options, such as bashrc and bash_profile, which allow you to customize the shell's behavior.

These are just a few of the many new features and improvements in Bash 7.0. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend checking out the official Bash documentation and release notes.