Antonyms of news

Here are some antonyms of "news":

  1. Old information: This refers to information that is no longer current or relevant.
  2. Rumors: Rumors are unverified or unsubstantiated reports, which are often the opposite of news, which is verified and factual.
  3. Gossip: Gossip is informal and often unverified information about someone's personal life, which is different from news, which is typically factual and public.
  4. Silence: In the absence of news, there is often silence or a lack of information.
  5. Inactivity: News often implies some level of activity or event, whereas inactivity implies a lack of such activity.
  6. Familiarity: News is often about something new or unexpected, whereas familiarity implies a sense of routine or predictability.
  7. Lack of surprise: News often involves surprises or unexpected events, whereas a lack of surprise implies a sense of predictability or routine.
  8. Unimportance: News often involves important or significant events, whereas unimportance implies a lack of significance or relevance.
  9. Lack of relevance: News is often relevant to a particular audience or community, whereas a lack of relevance implies that the information is not important or relevant to anyone.
  10. Obscurity: News is often about public events or issues, whereas obscurity implies a lack of public awareness or attention.

Note that some of these antonyms may not be exact opposites, but they all convey a sense of contrast with the concept of news.