Anti graft agency efcc grants bail to ogun assembly speaker oluomo arrested for financial misappropriation forgery money laundering

According to reports, the Speaker of the Ogun State House of Assembly, Olakunle Oluomo, has been granted bail by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) after being arrested and charged with financial misappropriation, forgery, and money laundering.

The EFCC had arrested Oluomo on February 22, 2023, over allegations of misappropriating public funds, forging documents, and laundering money. He was subsequently charged to court and remanded in custody.

However, after meeting the bail conditions set by the court, Oluomo was granted bail and released from custody. The bail conditions reportedly included a N50 million bond, a surety who is a civil servant, and the surrender of his international passport.

The EFCC had accused Oluomo of misappropriating N1.5 billion meant for the construction of a legislative complex in Ogun State. He was also alleged to have forged documents to cover up the misappropriation and laundered the stolen funds.

Oluomo has denied any wrongdoing and has described the allegations against him as politically motivated. His lawyers have also argued that the charges against him are baseless and that he is being persecuted for his political beliefs.

The development has sparked controversy in Ogun State, with many calling for Oluomo's resignation as Speaker of the House of Assembly. Others have accused the EFCC of selectively prosecuting political opponents, while ignoring more serious cases of corruption.

The case is ongoing, and Oluomo is expected to appear in court again soon to face the charges against him.