Anti buhari protest federal government faces criticism attack defenceless citizens

It appears that you're referring to a recent protest against the Nigerian government, specifically against President Muhammadu Buhari, and the subsequent criticism and concerns about the government's handling of the situation.

To provide a more comprehensive response, I'll summarize the situation and highlight some key points:

Background: On October 20, 2020, a group of protesters, mostly youths, took to the streets in major cities across Nigeria, including Lagos, Abuja, and Port Harcourt, to demonstrate against the government's handling of various issues, including corruption, economic hardship, and perceived incompetence.

Protest: The protesters, who were largely peaceful, demanded that the government address their concerns and improve the country's economic and social conditions. However, the situation took a turn for the worse when security forces, including the police and military, were deployed to disperse the crowds.

Violence and casualties: Reports indicate that security forces used excessive force, leading to the deaths of several protesters, with some estimates suggesting that over 20 people lost their lives. Many more were injured, and some were arrested.

Government response: The government has faced widespread criticism for its handling of the situation, with many accusing it of using excessive force and violating human rights. The government has denied these allegations, claiming that the protesters were violent and that security forces acted in self-defense.

International reactions: The international community has also weighed in on the situation, with many governments and human rights organizations expressing concern about the violence and calling for restraint.

Domestic reactions: Within Nigeria, there has been widespread outrage and condemnation of the government's actions, with many calling for an independent investigation into the killings and arrests. Some have also accused the government of using the protests as a pretext to crack down on opposition and dissent.

Key concerns: The situation has raised several concerns, including:

  1. Human rights violations: The use of excessive force by security forces has raised concerns about human rights violations and the government's commitment to protecting its citizens.
  2. Lack of accountability: The government's response to the situation has been criticized for lacking transparency and accountability, with many calling for an independent investigation into the killings and arrests.
  3. Economic and social issues: The protests highlight the deep-seated economic and social issues facing Nigeria, including corruption, poverty, and inequality, which need to be addressed by the government.

In conclusion, the anti-Buhari protest has sparked widespread criticism and concern about the government's handling of the situation. The government's response has been criticized for being heavy-handed and lacking transparency, while the international community has called for restraint and an independent investigation into the killings and arrests.