Anthony scaramucci news

Anthony Scaramucci is a former White House Communications Director who served in the administration of President Donald Trump from July 2017 to August 2017. Here are some recent news articles and updates about Anthony Scaramucci:

Recent News Articles:

  1. Scaramucci's new book: Scaramucci has written a book titled "Hiding in Plain Sight: The Ingunious Rise of Hollywood on Wall Street" which was released in October 2020. The book explores the intersection of Hollywood and Wall Street and features interviews with several high-profile figures.
  2. Trump's former communications director slams Trump's handling of COVID-19: In an interview with CNN in October 2020, Scaramucci criticized Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that the President's response was "inadequate" and that he had "failed" to take the crisis seriously enough.
  3. Scaramucci endorses Biden: In October 2020, Scaramucci announced that he was endorsing Joe Biden for President, citing Trump's handling of the pandemic and his divisive rhetoric as reasons for his decision.
  4. Scaramucci's new podcast: Scaramucci has launched a new podcast called "The Scaramucci Post" which features interviews with high-profile guests and discussions on politics, business, and culture.

Recent Interviews and Appearances:

  1. CNN's New Day: Scaramucci appeared on CNN's New Day in October 2020 to discuss his book and his thoughts on the 2020 presidential election.
  2. The View: Scaramucci appeared on ABC's The View in October 2020 to discuss his book and his endorsement of Joe Biden.
  3. Fox News: Scaramucci has appeared on Fox News several times in recent months to discuss politics and current events.

Recent Quotes:

  1. On Trump's handling of COVID-19: "I think the President's response has been inadequate. I think he's failed to take this crisis seriously enough."
  2. On Trump's divisiveness: "I think the President's rhetoric has been divisive. I think it's been hurtful to a lot of people."
  3. On his endorsement of Biden: "I think Joe Biden is a decent guy. I think he's a good person. I think he's got a lot of experience."

Please note that these quotes and articles are subject to change and may not reflect Scaramucci's current views or opinions.