Anthony scaramucci new yorker

You're referring to the infamous Anthony Scaramucci interview with The New Yorker!

In July 2017, Anthony Scaramucci, who was the White House Communications Director at the time, gave an explosive interview to Ryan Lizza of The New Yorker. The interview was published on July 28, 2017, and it quickly went viral.

During the interview, Scaramucci made several controversial statements, including:

  1. He called White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus a "leak machine" and said he was "a f**king paranoid schizophrenic."
  2. He accused Priebus of being behind leaks to the press and said he would "f**king kill" anyone who leaked information.
  3. He described the White House as a "cancer" and said that President Trump's advisors were "a bunch of f**king idiots."
  4. He claimed that he had a good relationship with President Trump and that the President had told him to "clean up the place" and "get rid of the leakers."

The interview was widely criticized, and Scaramucci's comments were seen as unprofessional and inappropriate. Just 10 days after the interview, Scaramucci was fired from his position as White House Communications Director.

The interview has since become infamous, and it's often cited as an example of the chaos and dysfunction that characterized the Trump administration's early days.