Antara news agency

Antara News Agency is a leading Indonesian news agency that provides news coverage on various topics, including politics, economy, sports, and entertainment. Here are some key facts about Antara News Agency:

History: Antara was established in 1937 as a news agency of the Dutch colonial government in Indonesia. After Indonesia gained independence in 1945, Antara continued to operate as a national news agency.

Scope: Antara provides news coverage on a wide range of topics, including:

Services: Antara offers a range of services to its clients, including:

International partnerships: Antara has partnerships with several international news agencies, including Reuters, AP, and Xinhua News Agency. This allows Antara to provide its clients with access to international news and coverage.

Awards and recognition: Antara has won several awards and recognition for its journalism, including the Indonesian Journalist Award and the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) Award.

Overall, Antara News Agency is a leading news agency in Indonesia that provides comprehensive news coverage on various topics to its clients and the public.