Answers to new oxford modern english for sss1

Here are some answers to common questions and exercises in the New Oxford Modern English Coursebook for SSS1 (Senior Secondary School 1):

Unit 1: Introduction

  1. What is your name? Answer: My name is [Your Name].
  2. Where are you from? Answer: I am from [Your Hometown].
  3. What do you like doing in your free time? Answer: I like [Your Hobby] in my free time.

Unit 2: Family and Friends

  1. What is your family like? Answer: My family is [Number] members. We have [Number] brothers/sisters.
  2. What do you like about your family? Answer: I like [Reason] about my family.
  3. Do you have any friends? Answer: Yes, I have [Number] friends.

Unit 3: School Life

  1. What do you like about school? Answer: I like [Reason] about school.
  2. What subjects do you like studying? Answer: I like studying [Subject(s)].
  3. Do you have a favorite teacher? Answer: Yes, my favorite teacher is [Teacher's Name].

Unit 4: Food and Drink

  1. What is your favorite food? Answer: My favorite food is [Food].
  2. Do you like eating out? Answer: Yes, I like eating out.
  3. What is your favorite drink? Answer: My favorite drink is [Drink].

Unit 5: Hobbies and Interests

  1. What do you like doing in your free time? Answer: I like [Hobby] in my free time.
  2. Do you have any pets? Answer: Yes, I have [Number] pets.
  3. What do you like about your hobby? Answer: I like [Reason] about my hobby.

Unit 6: Travel and Tourism

  1. Have you ever traveled? Answer: Yes, I have traveled to [Place].
  2. What do you like about traveling? Answer: I like [Reason] about traveling.
  3. Would you like to travel to any other country? Answer: Yes, I would like to travel to [Country].

Unit 7: Technology

  1. Do you have a mobile phone? Answer: Yes, I have a mobile phone.
  2. What do you like about technology? Answer: I like [Reason] about technology.
  3. Do you use social media? Answer: Yes, I use [Social Media Platform].

Unit 8: Health and Fitness

  1. Do you exercise regularly? Answer: Yes, I exercise regularly.
  2. What do you like about exercise? Answer: I like [Reason] about exercise.
  3. Do you have any health problems? Answer: No, I don't have any health problems.

Unit 9: Environment

  1. Do you recycle? Answer: Yes, I recycle.
  2. What do you like about the environment? Answer: I like [Reason] about the environment.
  3. Do you think we should protect the environment? Answer: Yes, I think we should protect the environment.

Unit 10: Future Plans

  1. What do you want to do after school? Answer: I want to [Future Plan].
  2. Do you have any goals? Answer: Yes, my goal is [Goal].
  3. Do you think you will achieve your goals? Answer: Yes, I think I will achieve my goals.

Please note that these are just sample answers and you should adjust them according to your own experiences and opinions.