Answers to new oxford modern english for sss 1

Here are some answers to the exercises in the New Oxford Modern English Coursebook for SSS 1:

Unit 1: Introduction

  1. What is your name? Answer: My name is [Your Name].
  2. Where are you from? Answer: I am from [Your Country/City].
  3. What do you like doing in your free time? Answer: I like [Your Hobby/Activity] in my free time.

Unit 2: Family and Friends

  1. What is your family like? Answer: My family is [Number] members. We have [Brother/Sister] and [Mother/Father].
  2. Do you have any pets? Answer: Yes, I have a [Pet] called [Pet's Name].
  3. What do you like to do with your friends? Answer: I like to [Activity] with my friends.

Unit 3: School and Education

  1. What do you study at school? Answer: I study [Subject] at school.
  2. Do you like your school? Answer: Yes, I like my school. It's [Reason].
  3. What do you want to be when you grow up? Answer: I want to be a [Career] when I grow up.

Unit 4: Food and Drink

  1. What is your favorite food? Answer: My favorite food is [Food].
  2. Do you like sweet or salty food? Answer: I like [Sweet/Salty] food.
  3. What do you like to drink? Answer: I like to drink [Drink].

Unit 5: Hobbies and Interests

  1. What do you like to do in your free time? Answer: I like to [Hobby] in my free time.
  2. Do you like playing sports? Answer: Yes, I like playing [Sport].
  3. What do you like to read? Answer: I like to read [Book/Genre].

Unit 6: Travel and Holidays

  1. Have you ever traveled abroad? Answer: Yes, I have traveled to [Country]. It was [Experience].
  2. What do you like to do on holiday? Answer: I like to [Activity] on holiday.
  3. Where would you like to go on holiday? Answer: I would like to go to [Country] on holiday.

Please note that these are just sample answers, and you should adjust them to fit your own experiences and preferences.