Another nigerian tests positive for coronavirus

I'm not aware of any specific information about a Nigerian testing positive for COVID-19. However, I can provide some general information about the situation in Nigeria.

As of my knowledge cutoff, Nigeria has reported a total of 54,851 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with 1,061 deaths. The country has implemented various measures to contain the spread of the virus, including lockdowns, travel restrictions, and social distancing measures.

It's important to note that the situation is constantly evolving, and new cases are being reported daily. I would recommend checking with reputable sources, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Nigerian Ministry of Health, for the most up-to-date information on the situation in Nigeria.

It's also important to remember that COVID-19 is a global pandemic, and it's essential to take precautions to protect oneself and others from the virus. This includes washing your hands frequently, wearing a mask, and maintaining social distancing.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about COVID-19, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to provide you with accurate and reliable information.