Annual ichrie conference new orleans 2019

The Annual Ichrie Conference is a premier event for Ichrie (International Council of Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management Educators) members and hospitality industry professionals. The conference provides a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and professional development.

The 2019 Ichrie Conference was held in New Orleans, Louisiana, from March 27 to 30, 2019. The conference theme was "Celebrating the Past, Embracing the Future: Hospitality Education and Research in a Changing World."

Here are some highlights from the 2019 Ichrie Conference:

Keynote Speakers:

  1. Dr. Robert Rauch, President and CEO of, spoke on "The Future of Hospitality Education: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities."
  2. Dr. Michael D. Johnson, Professor and Director of the School of Hospitality Leadership at Purdue University, presented on "The Impact of Technology on Hospitality Education and Operations."

Presentations and Sessions:

The conference featured a range of presentations and sessions on topics such as:

  1. Hospitality education and research
  2. Industry trends and innovations
  3. Leadership and management
  4. Marketing and branding
  5. Sustainability and social responsibility
  6. Technology and digital transformation

Awards and Recognition:

The conference also included the presentation of several awards and recognitions, including:

  1. The Ichrie Lifetime Achievement Award, presented to Dr. John R. Walker, Professor Emeritus at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
  2. The Ichrie Research Award, presented to Dr. Joonsoo Kim, Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida.
  3. The Ichrie Teaching Award, presented to Dr. Lisa A. Mayeux, Professor at the University of New Orleans.

Networking Opportunities:

The conference provided numerous opportunities for attendees to network with colleagues, industry professionals, and thought leaders in the hospitality education and research community. This included:

  1. A welcome reception and networking event
  2. A hospitality industry tour
  3. A poster session and reception
  4. A closing reception and awards ceremony

Overall, the 2019 Ichrie Conference in New Orleans was a successful event that brought together hospitality educators, researchers, and industry professionals to share knowledge, ideas, and best practices.