Announcing a new born baby

Congratulations! Here are some ideas for announcing a new born baby:

Traditional Methods

  1. Birth Announcement Letter: Write a heartfelt letter to family and friends, sharing the news of the baby's arrival.
  2. Newspaper Announcement: Place a birth announcement in your local newspaper, often with a photo and details about the baby.
  3. Phone Calls and Texts: Reach out to loved ones personally, sharing the exciting news.

Modern Methods

  1. Social Media: Share a photo and announcement on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more.
  2. Email Newsletter: Send a personalized email to friends and family with a photo and details about the baby.
  3. Text Message Chain: Send a group text to close friends and family with the news.
  4. Online Birth Announcement Platforms: Use websites like BabyCenter, BabyBliss, or HelloBaby to create a digital birth announcement.

Creative Ideas

  1. Baby Blanket or Onesie: Design a custom blanket or onesie with the baby's name and birth details.
  2. Personalized Card: Create a handmade or digital card with a special message and photo.
  3. Video Announcement: Record a video announcing the baby's arrival and share it on social media or via email.
  4. Scavenger Hunt: Plan a scavenger hunt with clues leading to the big reveal of the baby's name and photo.
  5. Special Delivery: Arrange for a special delivery of a onesie, blanket, or other baby item with a personalized note and photo.


  1. Timing: Consider announcing the baby's arrival when you're feeling rested and ready to share the news.
  2. Photos: Choose a cute and clear photo of the baby to share with loved ones.
  3. Details: Include essential details like the baby's name, birth date, weight, and length in your announcement.
  4. Personal Touch: Add a personal touch to your announcement by sharing a special story or memory about the baby's arrival.

Remember, the most important thing is to share your joy and excitement with loved ones and celebrate the arrival of your new baby!