Announcement of new policy memo sample

Here is a sample announcement of a new policy memo:

Subject: Introduction of New Policy: [Policy Name]

To: All [Department/Team] Staff

From: [Your Name], [Your Title]

Date: [Date]

As part of our ongoing efforts to [briefly describe the purpose of the policy], we are pleased to announce the introduction of a new policy, effective [effective date]. This policy aims to [briefly describe the benefits of the policy].

Policy Overview:

The [Policy Name] policy is designed to [briefly describe the policy's purpose and scope]. The policy applies to all [Department/Team] staff and is intended to ensure that we maintain a [desirable outcome or standard].

Key Provisions:

The policy includes the following key provisions:


To ensure a smooth transition, we will be providing training and support to all staff affected by the policy. We will also be conducting regular audits to ensure compliance with the policy.


For more information on the policy, please refer to the attached policy document or contact [Name of contact person or department].

Next Steps:

We encourage all staff to familiarize themselves with the new policy and to reach out to us if they have any questions or concerns. We will be monitoring compliance with the policy and will provide updates on any changes or updates to the policy.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions or concerns about the policy, please do not hesitate to contact [Name of contact person or department] at [Email address] or [Phone number].

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.


[Your Name] [Your Title] [Department/Team]