Annie idibia says our son is a genius as she celebrates nino 2faces son #

It seems like Annie Idibia, the wife of Nigerian musician 2Face Idibia, is celebrating their son Nino's achievements. According to the post, Annie is calling Nino a genius, which is a testament to his exceptional abilities and talents.

As a proud mother, Annie is likely thrilled to see her son excelling and making progress in his life. It's wonderful to see parents supporting and celebrating their children's achievements, and Annie's post is a great example of that.

Nino is the son of 2Face Idibia and Annie Idibia, and it's great to see him growing up to be a bright and talented individual. Annie's post is a great way to acknowledge and celebrate Nino's hard work and dedication, and it's likely to inspire him to continue striving for excellence.

Overall, Annie's post is a heartwarming and uplifting message that celebrates the achievements of her son Nino. It's a great reminder of the importance of supporting and celebrating our children's successes, and it's a testament to the love and pride that Annie has for her son.