Anna university new videos

Anna University is a renowned institution in India, and it's great that you're interested in staying updated with their latest videos. Here are some ways to find new videos from Anna University:

  1. Anna University YouTube Channel: You can subscribe to Anna University's official YouTube channel, which has a vast collection of videos on various topics, including lectures, seminars, workshops, and more.
  2. Anna University Website: The university's official website ( often features videos on various topics, including research, events, and achievements. You can check the website regularly for new updates.
  3. Anna University Social Media: Anna University is active on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can follow them to stay updated with their latest videos and news.,,
  4. Online Lecture Series: Anna University often organizes online lecture series on various topics, which are available on their website and YouTube channel. You can search for specific topics or departments to find relevant videos.
  5. Research Videos: Anna University is known for its research excellence, and you can find videos on various research projects and achievements on their website and YouTube channel.

Some popular video categories from Anna University include:

Remember to always verify the authenticity of the videos and sources before sharing or consuming them.