Anna news

Anna News is a Russian-language online news agency that provides coverage of news and events in Ukraine and other parts of the world. The agency was founded in 2014 and is known for its pro-Russian perspective and coverage of the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Anna News has been accused of spreading disinformation and propaganda, and has been banned in several countries, including Ukraine and the United States. The agency has also been criticized for its biased reporting and lack of objectivity.

Despite these criticisms, Anna News remains a popular source of news and information for many people in Russia and other parts of the world. The agency's website and social media channels have a large following, and its reporters and correspondents are known for their aggressive and confrontational style of reporting.

Some of the topics that Anna News covers include:

Anna News has been involved in several controversies over the years, including allegations of spreading disinformation and propaganda, and has been banned in several countries. Despite these controversies, the agency remains a popular source of news and information for many people in Russia and other parts of the world.