Anna in the new testament

There are several women named Anna mentioned in the New Testament of the Bible. Here are a few:

  1. Anna the Prophetess (Luke 2:36-38): Anna is a prophetess who is mentioned in the Gospel of Luke. She is described as a widow who had been married to a man named Joel, and after his death, she devoted herself to prayer and fasting. She is said to have been a regular worshipper at the Temple in Jerusalem, where she would go to pray and offer sacrifices. According to Luke, Anna was present at the Temple when the baby Jesus was presented to the Lord, and she recognized him as the Messiah. She was around 84 years old at the time, and she began to praise God and speak about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.
  2. Anna the daughter of Phanuel (Jude 1:25): Anna is mentioned in the Epistle of Jude as one of the women who were part of the early Christian community. She is described as the daughter of Phanuel, and is said to have been a widow who had been married to a man named Phanuel. The Epistle of Jude is a letter written by Jude, the brother of Jesus, to encourage the early Christian community to remain faithful to their beliefs and to resist false teachings.

It's worth noting that there may be other women named Anna mentioned in the New Testament, but these are the two most well-known references to Anna in the Bible.