Anna goldfarb new york times

Anna Goldfarb is a journalist and author who has written for The New York Times. Here are a few articles she has written for the publication:

  1. "The Rise of the 'Influencer' Economy" (2018) - This article explores the growing trend of social media influencers and the ways in which they are making money through sponsored content and other means.
  2. "The Dark Side of the Wellness Industry" (2019) - In this article, Goldfarb examines the ways in which the wellness industry is often more focused on profit than on actual health and wellness.
  3. "The Secret Life of Influencers" (2020) - This article provides a behind-the-scenes look at the lives of social media influencers, including their struggles with mental health, body image, and the pressure to constantly produce content.
  4. "The End of the Influencer Era?" (2020) - In this article, Goldfarb explores the ways in which the influencer industry is changing, including the rise of new platforms and the increasing scrutiny of influencers' content.

Anna Goldfarb has also written for other publications, including The Atlantic, The Guardian, and Harper's Bazaar. She is the author of the book "I'll Be There with the Sun: A Memoir" (2020), which explores her own experiences with anxiety, depression, and the search for meaning and connection in a chaotic world.