Anime news network

Anime News Network (ANN) is a popular online publication that provides news, reviews, and information about anime, manga, and Japanese pop culture. Here are some key features and facts about Anime News Network:

History: Anime News Network was founded in 1998 by Justin Sevakis and Christopher Macdonald. It was one of the first online publications dedicated to anime and manga news.

Content: ANN covers a wide range of topics, including:

Features: ANN has several popular features, including:

Awards: Anime News Network has won several awards, including the Anime News Network Award for Best Anime News Site (2006-2011) and the Crunchyroll Anime Award for Best Anime News Site (2012-2015).

Community: ANN has a large and active community of fans, with a forum where users can discuss anime, manga, and Japanese pop culture. The site also has a social media presence on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

Partnerships: ANN has partnerships with several anime and manga publishers, including Funimation, Crunchyroll, and Viz Media. These partnerships allow ANN to provide exclusive news and content to its readers.

Overall, Anime News Network is a trusted and respected source of information for anime and manga fans, providing up-to-date news, reviews, and analysis on the latest developments in the industry.