Animation effect of news going viral

What a great idea! Here's a potential animation concept for the animation effect of news going viral:

Title: "Viral Wave"

Color Scheme: A palette of bright, bold colors to represent the rapid spread of information online.


  1. Initial Spark: A small, glowing spark appears on screen, representing the initial news article or post.
  2. Ripple Effect: As the news starts to spread, the spark grows and begins to radiate outward in a circular motion, creating a ripple effect on the screen.
  3. Growing Waves: The ripples become more intense and frequent, with each wave representing a new share, like, or comment on the news article.
  4. Social Media Platforms: As the news goes viral, different social media platforms (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) appear on screen, each with its own unique visual representation (e.g., a Twitter bird, a Facebook logo).
  5. Influencers and Hashtags: Influencers and popular hashtags start to appear, amplifying the reach of the news and adding to the wave's momentum.
  6. Mainstream Media: As the news becomes mainstream, traditional media outlets (e.g., TV, newspapers) start to pick up the story, represented by a TV screen or newspaper headlines.
  7. Global Reach: The wave spreads globally, with different countries and regions represented by distinct visual elements (e.g., flags, landmarks).
  8. Peak Virality: The wave reaches its peak, with the animation becoming more frenetic and chaotic, representing the intense online activity and discussion surrounding the news.
  9. Slowdown: As the news starts to lose momentum, the wave begins to recede, with the animation slowing down and the colors becoming less vibrant.
  10. Legacy: The final frame shows the news article or post, now a part of the online record, with a subtle glow representing its lasting impact.

Additional Ideas:

I hope this gives you a good starting point for your animation project!