Anietie bature new songs

Anietie Bature is a talented Nigerian singer-songwriter! I'd be happy to help you with her new songs. Here are a few recent ones:

  1. "Gone" (2022) - A soulful, R&B-infused track about moving on from a past love.
  2. "Love Me" (2022) - An upbeat, Afro-pop anthem about wanting to be loved and appreciated.
  3. "Slow Down" (2021) - A melodic, mid-tempo song about taking things easy and enjoying the moment.
  4. "Falling" (2021) - A heartfelt, acoustic ballad about the thrill of falling in love.
  5. "Wish You Were Here" (2020) - A nostalgic, R&B-inspired track about missing someone who's no longer around.

Please note that these are just a few examples, and Anietie Bature might have released more songs since my knowledge cutoff. You can check out her official social media channels or music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube Music to explore her full discography!

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