Angular 9 new features

Angular 9 was released in February 2020, and it brought several new features and improvements to the framework. Here are some of the key new features in Angular 9:

  1. Ivy Renderer: Angular 9 introduces a new rendering engine called Ivy, which replaces the previous View Engine. Ivy provides better performance, improved error messages, and better support for web workers.
  2. Improved Tree Shake: Angular 9 includes improved tree shaking, which allows you to remove unused code from your application, resulting in smaller bundle sizes and faster load times.
  3. Better Support for Web Workers: Angular 9 provides better support for web workers, which allows you to run tasks in the background and improve the responsiveness of your application.
  4. Improved Debugging: Angular 9 includes improved debugging tools, such as better error messages and improved support for debugging in the browser.
  5. New CLI Commands: Angular 9 introduces several new CLI commands, including ng add, ng generate, and ng update, which make it easier to manage your project and dependencies.
  6. Improved Support for TypeScript 3.8: Angular 9 includes improved support for TypeScript 3.8, which provides better type checking and improved performance.
  7. New @angular/cdk Module: Angular 9 introduces a new @angular/cdk module, which provides a set of reusable UI components and utilities for building complex user interfaces.
  8. Improved Support for WebAssembly: Angular 9 includes improved support for WebAssembly, which allows you to compile your application to WebAssembly and run it in the browser.
  9. New @angular/service-worker Module: Angular 9 introduces a new @angular/service-worker module, which provides a set of APIs for building service workers and improving the offline experience of your application.
  10. Improved Support for Progressive Web Apps: Angular 9 includes improved support for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), which allows you to build web applications that provide a native app-like experience to users.
  11. New @angular/animations Module: Angular 9 introduces a new @angular/animations module, which provides a set of APIs for building animations and improving the user experience of your application.
  12. Improved Support for Internationalization: Angular 9 includes improved support for internationalization (i18n), which allows you to build applications that support multiple languages and regions.
  13. New @angular/localize Module: Angular 9 introduces a new @angular/localize module, which provides a set of APIs for building applications that support multiple languages and regions.
  14. Improved Support for Accessibility: Angular 9 includes improved support for accessibility, which allows you to build applications that are more accessible to users with disabilities.
  15. New @angular/cdk/a11y Module: Angular 9 introduces a new @angular/cdk/a11y module, which provides a set of APIs for building accessible user interfaces.

These are just a few of the new features and improvements in Angular 9. For a complete list of changes, you can refer to the official Angular documentation.