Angola prosecutors close in on former presidents children

I couldn't find any recent information on Angola prosecutors closing in on former president's children. However, I can provide some context and background information on the topic.

Angola has been plagued by corruption and human rights abuses during the rule of former President José Eduardo dos Santos, who was in power from 1979 to 2017. Dos Santos' family, including his children, have been accused of embezzling millions of dollars from state coffers and engaging in other corrupt activities.

In recent years, there have been several investigations and prosecutions of high-ranking officials and businesspeople accused of corruption and other crimes. However, it's unclear whether any of dos Santos' children have been specifically targeted or prosecuted.

One of dos Santos' daughters, Isabel dos Santos, has been accused of embezzling millions of dollars from state-owned companies and has been named as a suspect in several corruption investigations. She has denied any wrongdoing and has been living in exile in Portugal.

Another of dos Santos' daughters, Tchizé dos Santos, has also been accused of corruption and has been named as a suspect in several investigations. She has also denied any wrongdoing and has been living in exile in South Africa.

It's worth noting that the Angolan government has taken some steps to address corruption and improve transparency and accountability. In 2018, the government launched a new anti-corruption agency and has been working to recover stolen assets and prosecute corrupt officials.

However, many observers believe that more needs to be done to address the widespread corruption and human rights abuses that occurred during dos Santos' rule. The country's new president, João Lourenço, has promised to tackle corruption and improve governance, but progress has been slow and uneven.

In summary, while there have been some investigations and prosecutions of high-ranking officials and businesspeople accused of corruption in Angola, it's unclear whether any of dos Santos' children have been specifically targeted or prosecuted. The country's new government has promised to tackle corruption and improve governance, but more needs to be done to address the widespread corruption and human rights abuses that occurred during dos Santos' rule.