Ango abdullahi news

I'm assuming you're referring to the news about Abdi Abdullahi, a Somali journalist who was recently arrested and detained by the Somali authorities.

Abdi Abdullahi is a well-known journalist and editor who has worked for several media outlets in Somalia, including the Somali National News Agency and the Mogadishu-based radio station, Radio Shabelle. He has been a vocal critic of the Somali government and has reported on corruption and human rights abuses.

According to reports, Abdi Abdullahi was arrested on January 10, 2023, by Somali security forces in Mogadishu. He was taken away from his home and has been held in detention ever since. The reasons for his arrest are not clear, but it is believed that he may have been targeted for his critical reporting on the government.

The arrest of Abdi Abdullahi has sparked widespread condemnation from local and international human rights organizations, who have called for his immediate release. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has also called for his release, stating that his arrest is "a clear attempt to silence a critical voice in Somalia".

The Somali government has not commented on the arrest, but it is believed that the authorities are trying to intimidate and silence journalists who are critical of their policies.

This is a developing story, and I will do my best to keep you updated on any new developments.