Angel flight new england

Angel Flight New England (AFNE) is a non-profit organization that provides free air transportation to people in need of medical care, particularly those who are financially challenged or lack access to medical transportation. Here are some key facts about Angel Flight New England:

Mission: AFNE's mission is to provide free air transportation to individuals who require medical treatment, but lack the financial resources to travel to receive that care.

Services: AFNE arranges flights for patients who need to travel to receive medical treatment, including:

  1. Cancer treatment
  2. Organ transplants
  3. Cardiac care
  4. Neurological disorders
  5. Pediatric care
  6. Other medical conditions

Eligibility: To be eligible for AFNE's services, patients must:

  1. Be in need of medical treatment
  2. Lack the financial resources to travel to receive that care
  3. Have a medical condition that requires air transportation

Flights: AFNE arranges flights on a volunteer pilot network, which includes over 400 pilots who donate their time and aircraft to transport patients. Flights are typically arranged on a one-on-one basis, with patients traveling with a companion or caregiver.

History: AFNE was founded in 1993 and has since transported over 100,000 patients. The organization is headquartered in Massachusetts and serves patients in six New England states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Partnerships: AFNE partners with various organizations, including hospitals, medical centers, and social service agencies, to identify patients in need of air transportation.

Donations: AFNE relies on donations to fund its operations, including fuel, maintenance, and administrative costs. Donations can be made online or by mail.

Volunteer opportunities: AFNE welcomes volunteer pilots, as well as non-pilot volunteers, to help with administrative tasks, fundraising, and other activities.

Overall, Angel Flight New England plays a vital role in connecting patients with the medical care they need, while also providing a valuable service to the community.